(OH-1908) Common Services

(OH-1908) Common Services


Authorizations concept in OutBoard Housekeeping is based on authorization object /DVD/ERNA. It contains the following authorization fields:

  • /DVD/FSGRPhousekeeping task group, validated with /DVD/FS_TASKGRP table
  • /DVD/FSTSKname of housekeeping task, validated with /DVD/FS_TASK table
  • /DVD/FSACTaction for authorization object, validated with TACT table

It enables to set up permissions in detail to the activities for specific task. How-to about setting the authorizations is in Appendix B.

DataVard Button

The DataVard button is a common feature of DataVard products. It offers the same interface for getting information about product version, product information or license. It also checks, if other products from the DataVard product family are installed in the system.
Button is positioned in the top left corner of the main screen.

Figure 143: DataVard Button – menu

If another DataVard product (OutBoard, CanaryCode) is present in system, the user can switch to it via "Go to" or show product specific details – "About" or "Info".
By clicking, the "DataVard" at the bottom of the menu will take the user to the DataVard website in via the default Internet browser.

Figure 144: DataVard Button – submenu

Figure 145: DataVard Button – remote system info

In System view, the user can right-click any remote system and see its "About" screen (menu item "Display version").

OutBoard Housekeeping Global Settings

The settings that control the broader part of OutBoard Housekeeping's behavior, are collated within the OutBoard Housekeeping global settings screen.

Figure 146: OutBoard Housekeeping Settings

OutBoard Housekeeping global settings have several tabs: General Settings, System Specific, Task Specific, User Specific and Settings Editor.

General Settings tab

Figure 147: OutBoard Housekeeping Global Settings – screen

"Central scheduler" allows (in Edit mode) the user to modify the Scheduler period and information about the next central scheduler run. If the user has the proper authorizations, they may start/stop the central scheduler run. When clicking on the Start button, the user can select if the central scheduler starts immediately or at the specific date/time in the future. If the scheduler is running, first this needs to be stopped to enable the Start button functionality.

Figure 148: OutBoard Housekeeping Global Settings – central scheduler properties

Optional "Scheduler user" can be entered to specify a username used for scheduling the tasks. If there is no username selected, current user is used for background scheduling. Recommendation is that the selected username is dedicated for scheduling, with an appropriate role /DVD/ERNA_USER (see details in OutBoard Housekeeping User role chapter), validity period and it is not assigned to any person. Thus it is independent to any personal changes (company leaves, user locking).
Another parameters which can be changed on the General Settings tab under Advanced Settings, is RFC check timeout: it defines how long OutBoard Housekeeping waits for remote systems responds while checking the systems sanity.

System Specific tab

Figure 149: OutBoard Housekeeping Global Settings – System Specific tab

In the system specific settings, the user can select specific systems and change the data class where RecycleBin cluster table is placed. Under the data class selection is possible to select custom data classes on the satellite systems via a list box.
Note: Before executing this action, the RecycleBin must be empty! When tablespace is changed, Recycle bin table is dropped.

Task Specific tab

Figure 150: OutBoard Housekeeping Global Settings – Task Specific tab

Based on the task type, the user can set up Prefixes for automated task settings generation. These are analysis tasks, that can prepare settings for follow-up tasks; giving the user option to define prefixes for settings IDs.

  • TEMSE_DEL TemSe Objects Cleanup: default value $TEMSE
  • CUBE_COMPR Cube Compression: default value $CCPR

Archiving task deletion phase – archiving process has at least two main phases (Write and Deletion phase) that are running independently. The user can specify for any archiving task whether the deletion phase will follow immediately after the execution of the write phase. When there is an archiving session that is incomplete, all subsequent executions of some of the archiving objects would fail. As a result you now have the possibility to mark complete these previous incomplete sessions prior to the creation of a new session by using the 'Complete incomplete sessions' option.

  • IDOC Intermediate Documents Archiving
  • /POSDW/AGG Archiving of Point-of-Sale Aggregates
  • /POSDW/TL Archiving of Point-of-Sale Transactions
  • BWREQARCH Archiving of Request Administration Data
  • RSECPROT Archiving of BI Authorization Protocols
  • RSEC_CHLOG Archiving of BI Authorization Change Logs

Default value is 'X' for all tasks.

User Specific tab

Figure 151: OutBoard Housekeeping Global Settings – User Specific tab

"Activity profile" enables the user to select which profile will be active when OutBoard Housekeeping starts.

Settings Editor tab

Figure 152: OutBoard Housekeeping Global Settings – Settings Editor tab

In the Settings Editor, the user can change the settings parameter values directly. After selecting parameter, there is also an option to set to default value using "Reset to defaults" button. Custom values are a different colour (red) than default colour (black).
The following parameter values can be changed:
APPLOG_USE_COMMIT_WORK: Flag to commit work in application logs deletion after each package is processed; default value is space.
CCPR_SETTINGS_CREATE_PREFIX: Can be changed also on Task Specific tab for task Cube Compression; default value is "$CCPR".
CCPR_USE_TH: Flag for enabling Task handler functionality for task Cube Compression; default value is "X".
CHLG_DEL_OPTIMIZATION: Optimized_deletion_flag for task Changelog Cleanup; default value is "X".
CHLOG_USE_TH: Flag for enabling Task handler functionality for task Changelog Cleanup; default value is "X"
DAEMON_PERIOD: Can also be changed in General Settings tab as Scheduler period parameter; default value is 60.
DAEMON_USER: Scheduler user, see General Settings.
EDIT_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_IDS: Flag that enables editing default (starts with prefix _*) settings; default value is space.
OBJ_SEL_SCREEN_TRESHOLD: Threshold for RecycleBin browser object selection, for actions like undoing, deleting, etc.; defaulting value is 30.
PSA_CHLOG_SEL_REQUESTS_LIMIT: Maximum number of requests in WHERE condition for tasks PSA Cleanup and Changelog Cleanup; default value is 100.
PSA_CHLOG_TH_DATA_AMOUNT: Amount of data (row count) that can be processed in single Task handler job for tasks PSA Cleanup and Changelog Cleanup; default value is 250 000.
PSA_DEL_OPTIMIZATION: Optimized_deletion flag for_PSA_Cleanup; default value is "X".
PSA_USE_TH: Flag for enabling Task handler functionality for task PSA Cleanup; default value is "X".
RECBIN_BUFFER_SIZE: Buffer size of RecycleBin; default value is 50,000 records
RECBIN_CLEANUP_JOBS: Number of jobs that can be used for the recycle bin deletion; default value is 1.
RECBIN_DEL_D_MERGE_ENABLED: Flag for enabling the recycle bin functionality of delta merge; default value is space.
RECBIN_DEL_D_MERGE_LIMIT: Recycle bin deletion phase limit for delta merge of Hana systems; default value is 1,000,000 records.
RECBIN_PACKAGE_SIZE: Package size of the recycle bin; default value is 50,000 records.
RECBIN_TABLE_DEL_REFR_TIME: Resource check refresh time (seconds); default value is 0.100.
RECBIN_TABLE_DEL_WAIT_ATT: Maximum number of cycles to get a resource; default value is 1440.
RECBIN_UNDO_D_MERGE_ENABLED: Flag for enabling the recycle bin reload functionality of delta merge; default value is space.
RECBIN_UNDO_D_MERGE_LIMIT: Recycle bin reload limit for delta merge of Hana systems; default value is 1,000,000 records.
RECBIN_UNDO_INSERT: Use INSERT for recycle bin reload functionality; default value is "X".
RECBIN_UNDO_WP_MAX: Number of parallel jobs for recycle bin reload functionality; default value is 5.
REPLICATE_SETTINGS_TO_VARIANT: Enable replication Settings ID to execution variants that is needed for external scheduler support; default value is space.
RFC_CHECK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: It can be changed also on General Settings tab; default value is 2.
SARA_DEL_PHASE_MAX_JOBS: Maximum number of the jobs for SARA tasks; default value is 1.
SARA_DEL_PHASE_SESSIONS: Maximum number of the sessions for SARA tasks; default value is 10.
TEMSE_ADDITIONAL_LOGS: Activation of additional logs for task TemSe object cleanup; default value is " ".
TEMSE_CLEANUP_SETTINGS_PREFIX: Can also be changed under Task Specific tab for task TemSe Objects Cleanup; default value is "$TEMSE".
TEMSE_DO_NOT_USE_CURSOR: Execution of task TemSe object cleanup without using a cursor; default value is "X".
VARSET_CUSTOM_NAME: Select your own variant name in SAP standard tasks settings by using value "X"; default value is " ".
USR_CALENDAR_PERIOD: Value of this variable will be changed automatically to the last selected one in the calendar; allowed values: “D” – day; “W”- week; “M” – Month.
USR_DATE_RANGE_SELECTION: Default filter value for Monitor and Recycle bin. Value of this variable will be changed automatically to last selected one in calendar; allowed values: “T “– day, „Y “– Yesterday and Today, „W “– One week ago, „M “– This month and last month

Workbench Logs

The Workbench logs button is found in both the OutBoard Housekeeping System and the Activity view. This allows the user to check events that were launched from OutBoard Housekeeping cockpit (i.e. entering RecycleBin screen, executing the task from foreground etc.).

Figure 153: Workbench Logs

Housekeeping Report

One of the common services OutBoard Housekeeping cockpit offers, is the housekeeping report. It is accessible from Goto  Show Report menu. It summarizes information about task runs – short task description, number of runs and total volume savings for individual system.

Figure 154: Housekeeping report

History statistics analysis
OutBoard Housekeeping is collecting statistics about saved space for each run ID, particularly table and system level. Now high-level information on how much data was cleaned / saved in total, is provided for user to analyse the history.

Figure 155: Show statistics in system view

Right-click the landscape you want to show the statistics on. Higher the selection in hierarchy is situated (i.e. landscapes), more options are available during the selection in statistics report.
Selection group can be specified by task, system and date. Date selection allows displaying subtotals and filters statistics by specific period selection. Task can be organized by its group or name. Press Display after filling selections.
Task can be organized by its group or name. Press Display after filling selections.
Results can be organized hierarchically and exported into overviews.

Figure 156: Statistics report overview

Table Browser

To view which tables are impacted by the OutBoard Housekeeping's housekeeping tasks, the user could navigate to the Table Browser, which can be found under Goto.

Figure 157: Navigating to view table browser

In the Table Browser the user can search via tasks or tables:

  • Search Tables: The user should define the Task Group (Basis, BW, ERP, and CRM etc.) and the OutBoard Housekeeping task (activity), by doing so; the user will see which table(s) will be amended when the Housekeeping Task is performed. If the table exists in the Central system, by clicking the table content button, user will be redirected to SE16 transaction for selected table.
  • Search Tasks: The user should enter a table name, for the table to be amended by any of the OutBoard Housekeeping Tasks (Activities), and the corresponding Housekeeping tasks will be displayed. By clicking on Info button, the documentation regarding selected task will be shown. In addition, by clicking the navigation button on the line for a selected task, the task browser screen will close, the cockpit switches to an activity view, the activity profile is switched to "ALL" and the task found in task browser is focused.

Figure 158: Table Browser view

Support for External Scheduler

OutBoard Housekeeping supports external schedulers as Redwood, UC/4, Batch man, etc. This is achieved through the envelope report mechanism and can used to launch OutBoard Housekeeping tasks with selected variant.

Step list

As prerequisites, it is necessary in Global settings to set the value of variable REPLICATE_SETTINGS_TO_VARIANT to "X".
As next step, go to the settings, which should be used by external scheduler, and save them. Those settings will be automatically copied to the variant with the same name as Settings ID. That means if the external scheduler will be in use, none of the settings cannot have the same name. In case the variant already exists within the system with the same name, there will be a message shown.
Variants are created for program /DVD/FS_EXEC_TASK. Afterwards it is necessary to move the variant from Central system to the target system and run the report /DVD/FS_EXEC_TASK with this variant.
OutBoard Housekeeping Central system and external scheduler must be in the same system!

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