(DI-1902) Detail Tables

(DI-1902) Detail Tables

When a Detail table exists for a selected KPI, the Detail table can be displayed as a modal pop-up window. *tuto vetu asi vynechat 

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This allows you to display on the same screen also KPI details and you don't have to switch between tabs.  *Mozem tuto vetu vynechat?

A Detail table can have more versions depending on the system and the time interval which you select. There are several options how to display a Detail table:

  • In the first option you may choose a particular system and a server for which the KPI is displayed. Select a KPI in the KPI groups and with a righ-click display a context menu (see the figure below).
    The context menu contains all the versions of Detail tables with relevant systems based on this selection.

  • When you click on a particular version of the Detail table, you may view in the header all relevant systems.

  • If you define the Server name field for a Detail table it becomes server dependent. In this case the title "Detail table is server dependent" appears above the table. The server dependent table contains data only of the selected servers.

  • The second option is to select a KPI in the KPI groups and click on the KPI charts tab. Then, right-click at a point in the KPI chart. If the KPI has assigned a Detail table, then you may display data of the Detail table.

  • The last option is to click on the Details tab on the main screen, where you can find all defined Detail tables.

SAP ALV Grid cannot display more than 128 characters in one column. If the columns of the Detail table contain more characters, then the value is shortened. If you want to display the complete value, you can use the Download button in the toolbar and data is downloaded in the original size.