When performing an extraction with TRIGGER delta, you might want to have the information about what was done with the record. This information includes:
- Operation type - INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE
- The timestamp of the operation
This is useful for example when extracting data into CSV files for next processing, e.g. read data from files and use them to update/delete records in a table.
This procedure affects:
Glue table setup
- Follow the standard procedure for Glue table creation
- Add fields for operation type (data type - CHAR, length - 6) and operation timestamp (data element - TIMESTAMPL) in the Glue table. If you use data elementsĀ /DVD/GL_DBT_TRIGGER_OPERATION andĀ /DVD/GL_DBT_TRG_OP_TIMESTAMPL, they will be detected automatically in the extractor field mapping.

Extractor setup
- Create a new SAP Table to Storage extractor and select TRIGGER delta type. If you want to transfer also deleted records, open Delta Properties with the 'Tools' button (
) and check the checkbox 'Read deleted entries'.
- If data elements mentioned in step 2 of the Glue table setup were used, needed routines are automatically assigned after you save the extractor.

- To manually assign routines, click on the 'Rule Type' button (
) and select the appropriate routine for each field.
- Activate Extractor and proceed as usual.