Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Release Date: 16.11.2023 (next on 5.2.2024)
Version: 2311  - Autumn release (build 167)

News & Improvements


  • Hard-coded memory limitations


VAL-1670 Prepare result overview report for table and report testing

VAL-1671 Prepare a report to remove variants from the test plan based on selected criteria

VAL-1673 Add UNTESTED/INPROCESS/FINISHED/SUCCESSFUL/WARNING/FAILED placeholders on the Test plan and Test case level

VAL-1676 Enable file naming pattern in mass PDF generation for report outputs

VAL-1694 Create a new document template with new placeholders

VAL-1696 Add ignore lines mapping function to report testing mapping

VAL-1723 Evaluate and adjust table data aggregation logic

VAL-1669 Add new status document template

VAL-1701 Add FIND to test plan scope screen

VAL-1702 Update the results overview report with real count rows functionality

VAL-1709 Add the option to download to Excel from the results report


VAL-1659 Copy report variant only handles before image variant

VAL-1660 Reset user context when changes on the Test Plan tree cause issues


  • for table processing were removed. Previously, the maximum table image size was set to 3.800 MB. When this limit was reached, no further data was downloaded. This restriction has now been removed.
  • New status document placeholders have been added for the overall test plan and test case statistics. An additional document template was provided leveraging the new options.
  • A new status document template was introduced to streamline issue protocols.
  • The definition of a file naming pattern was added to the mass PDF generation utility for report outputs.
  • A new function was added to the report testing mapping enabling you to ignore lines directly via the line number.
  • The data aggregation logic was improved to enable faster processing.
  • FIND functionality was added to the test plan scope definition screen.
  • A result overview report for table and report testing has been added and is available via the user menu or via transaction /DVD/VAL_MASS_RES. The report provides complete results and runtime overviews similar to what can be seen in the results screen (without actual data image content) on a high level. The summary can be displayed across several test plans and test cases.
  • The results overview report is capable of calculating the total number of rows from the image if the “Count Rows” option was selected in table testing.
  • A new option was added to copy the test plan based on the variants contained therein, with a simple RFC update option for all newly created (copied) variants.
  • Enabled the testing of generated SAP reports (e.g., GR55 reports).

SP01 Fixes

  • Count rows only table tests - the result is not propagated to the results line via RFC
  • Included structure in table testing with defined suffixes causes issues

  • Missing commit in table conversion causes dump in aggregation

  • A cluster DB table is created also on the target system

  • Missing title info in results

  • Listcube IP check not performed via RFC in variant generator


  • Copy report variant corrected to handle after image variant as expected.
  • Minor user context reset issue fixed when changes occur on the test plan tree level.
  • Generate test plan documentation - use template from local PC


  • now working correctly.


  • Count rows only table tests - the result is


  • now propagated to the results line


VAL-1704 Enable to test SAP reports that don't have TADIR records (are generated)

VAL-1722 Copy a Test Plan from the Test Plan, instead of copies from the Test Case.

VAL-1726 The results overview report displays text instead of icons


  • in the overview entries.
  • Fix key field sorting


  • issue in table testing.


  • Error results


  • now switching pages correctly


VAL-1731 Results overview report issue - 1 TP / 2 TC / 1 VAR

VAL-1732 Bookmark execution is not possible due to a logging issue

VAL-1735 After the image variant cannot be edited in mass variants (table)

VAL-1736 Results overview issue with task state


  • .
  • Fixed a BW bookmark execution logging issue.
  • After image variant editing in the variants editor was fixed.