The screen for creating a new Query Variant is accessible by clicking on the Create new Query Variant button (Shift + F1).
To see Advanced Settings in Create New Query Variant, the BT_ADVANCED_MODE setting must be enabled in SNP Validate Setup Expert Mode - DVD/VAL_SETUP_EXP.
a new Query Variant
CreatingSNP Validate Setup Expert Mode
In this screen you can define:
- RFC Destination – : RFC destination of the Query Variant. When the RFC destination is specified using F4 help, this will display the query name values from the specified destination system. RFC with F4 help is only available if the dialog RFC connection (it does not need to be the same as the filled one) is available in the system in the specified RFC destination.
- Query name (required) – the : The technical name of a query. F4 help is available for this field.
- Query Variant Description – you : You can add a description for the new Query Variant.
- Set query variables – you : You can specify the filtering values (if any) for a query. For RFC Query Variants there is the possibility to specify the filtering values that are available only if the dialog RFC connection (it does not need to be the same as the filled one) is available in the system to the specified RFC destination and SNP Validate is also installed on the RFC destination system.
Query Filters
5. After image variant – : Query/Bookmark Variant ID enables you to compare the outputs for different queries or for the same query on a different system. This can be executed instead of the variant during the creation of an after image.
6. (hidden) Run as a different user - Click : Click on the Advanced Settings, an option to run the query as a different user is displayed. Query execution under a different user may serve to check user authorizations to access data. When the field is left empty, the variant will be executed with the current user. The setting is hidden by default, the visibility of this setting can be changed in expert settings.
By double-clicking on a created Query Variant, you can reenter the dialog and edit the variant properties. However, it is not possible to edit variant properties, if this variant is already in use for another Test Run.
Create New Bookmark Variant
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Create a new Bookmark Variant
Screen The screen for creating a new Bookmark Variant is accessible by clicking on the Create New Bookmark Variant button (Shift + F2). In this screen you can define:
- RFC Destination – : RFC Destination of a system on which the bookmarked query is run. SNP Validate must be installed on the RFC destination system in order to successfully create RFC-enabled Bookmark Variants.
- Bookmark ID (required) – identification : Identification for the query bookmark. Bookmarks that were also created with data can also be used here. In such a case, the bookmarked data is not being read from the bookmark; only the query is executed using the bookmark structure information.
- Bookmark Variant Description –to : To specify the description for a new Query Variant.
- After Image Variant – : Query/Bookmark Variant ID that is executed during the creation of after image. This allows you to compare outputs for different queries or even the same queries on different systems.
The Query Variant is saved when clicking on Continue button (Enter); before saving is complete various checks are performed to ensure the correctness of the variant definition.
Add existing Query Variant
By clicking the Add existing Query Variant button, a list of all the existing Query Variants in the system is displayed. Here you can select your set of variants and by using the Copy button (Enter) these are added to the list of selected variants. Please note that each Query Variant can only be used once for each Test Case.
In this screen, you can define the Web Template ID and after clicking on Continue button (Enter) the Web Template is searched for all used queries. These queries are presented in a table afterward and in this table, you can choose the queries to be generated for the Query Variants by using the checkboxes.
Queries of the Web template
For each selected query you are presented with the standard Create New Query Variant screen where you can define or change the prefilled variant values.
Warning |
If a change was done in the Web Template regarding the drill down in query results (i.e. change in displayed columns/rows) this change is also reflected in the output of the query in backend testing. |
Once the Query Variants have been selected, click on the Continue button (Enter), to save the Variants selection for the Query Test Case and click on the Ok button OK button (Enter) in the Test Management.
By selecting the variants from the list and from the context menu additional options are displayed where you can access the following functions:
In this screen, you can define the Web Template ID and after clicking on Continue button (Enter) the Web Template is searched for all the used queries. These queries are presented in a table afterward and in this table, you can choose the queries to be generated for the Query Variants by using the checkboxes.
Queries of the Web template
For each selected query you are presented with the standard Create New Query Variant screen where you can define or change the prefilled variant values.
You can create Query Variants based on a specified Web Template Bookmarks, click on Gen. Based on Web Template Bookmark button (Shift + F12). The Screen for Web Template Bookmark ID selection is then displayed.
Note |
If a change was done in the Web Template regarding the drill down in query results (i.e. change in displayed columns/rows) this change is also reflected in the output of the query in backend testing. |
You can edit the existing Query/Bookmark variants by double-clicking on them in the table, only Variants that are not used in other Test Runs can be edited. If Query/Bookmark Variant is already used in another Test Run it's , its details can be only reviewed but not changed.
When variant details are displayed you can check where this variant is used, by pressing the Where Used button; a table is displayed that contains all Test Plan/Test Case/Run ID information where this variant is used.
You can edit more Query/Bookmark variants at once, by selecting the required variants from the list and clicking on the Mass Edit Variants mass edit Mass Edit of variants is displayed.
button. Dialog for...
You can define new values for the before and after image RFC destination. Changing of these values is done after clicking on Continue (Enter) button. By marking Checking the Edit checkbox, only the values, which you specify to be changed, will be replaced in selected variants. If Query/Bookmark variant has a different After Image specified the After Image RFC destination will be replaced in that variant otherwise there will not cause any change. Only variants that are not yet used in test runs can be changed by mass editMass Edit.
You can also change the filter values used in selected Query variants with the following steps:
- Select checkboxes to confirm that you want to apply changes to the selected variants. Click on a Filter Values button to define new values of the InfoObject filters which are used in the queries.
- This functionality enables you to define various change rules for before and after image query variants. You need to define the required mapping of filter values based on InfoObjects.
- Confirm the execution of mass editing by clicking the Continue button.
- This step adjusts the filter values of queries based on the specified rules.
Important notes for mass edit Mass Edit of Query variants filter values:
- Query filter values are changed based on an InfoObject. When a query contains two variables which are based on the same InfoObject, in the case of mapping, both will be changed.
- Filter values of queries are changed on a value level. If a Query variant contains for example a range selection (I BT 2006 2007) and mapping is defined for value 2007 => 2008 only the upper boundary of the range filter will be changed (I BT 2006 2008). If the same mapping would be used but the previous range filter would change to (I BT 2006 2010) mapping would not be applied.
- Mapping values of filters should be defined in a user-readable format (the same format as is used by executing queries in RSRT transactions). The functionality automatically applies correct conversion exits to convert the mapping values to a machine-readable format.
- Already used query variants in other runs can't be changed using this functionality, as they can't be changed manually.
Additional options available from (DV-2211) Variant Editor:
Tip | ||
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(DV-2211) Variant Editor provides a central location where you can manage all the backend-testing variants. |
It is possible to add specified Query Variants to transport so they can be transferred to another system (with SNP Validate installed). To specify which Query/Bookmark Variants should be transported you need to select these from a list as shown in the picture below. Options for filtering and sorting in the ALV table can be used to select specified Query Variants more easily.
Selecting Query Variants to be transported
Note |
Any Query/Bookmark Variants that are still in use in the Backend Testing will be locked; therefore it is necessary to delete the Query Variants from the in the run before deleting them permanently from the Query Variant Editor. |