The user could highlight the variant and click 'Change variant'. The specified variant can be modified, saved and transferred again. This action could be done with respect to already scheduled runs with this variant. For cases where the variant is no longer required in the system, it can be removed using the 'Delete variant' button.
Once the variant is specified and transferred the user may run the variant from the Main menu.
Note: Should the user create a new settings ID for an activity the settings will fall into the scope of inheritance. Depending on where the settings are created from a hierarchical perspective, the settings could be cascaded down to the levels that may be below with in the landscape architecture. When the current node is displayed, it is possible to see which settings are available for use by using the column 'Valid for'.
To understand more about creating the settings for the Household activities in OutBoard Housekeeping please refer to the activities section of this user documentation where it will go into more depth of the individual settings for each of the activities available in OutBoard Housekeeping.
Figure 44: View Calendar – Scheduling assistant (right hand side)
On the left hand side, the activities that have been scheduled are displayed and on the right, the calendar and when the activities are scheduled to take place are displayed. In the calendar view, by hovering the mouse over the activity view additional information is displayed. Each type of job is marked by different colour. Old executed jobs are grey, scheduled ones are blue and failed/locked jobs are marked by red colour.
If the system is locked for any reason (manual lock, RFC lock or scheduled lock), the padlock icon will be displayed next to the task name.
The left pane contains also the list of the scheduled tasks. In case you click on the next run date (first column), right pane (calendar view) is adjusted and shows the task's occurrence (or occurrences, if multiple ones are visible).The relevant cell is emphasized with the red border. In case that some tasks are paused (due to calendar timeslot functionality), the date is empty and there is no possibility to navigate to the next run.
In case the task destination is different from the locked node, the relevant locked node marked with padlock icon is displayed bellow the task details. This means that some tasks will be running, but not on locked nodes.
Figure 45: View Calendar – Scheduled Task detail
In case there is a scheduled lock planned or active, the detailed information about the time period is visible within the additional information pane.