Version: 2502 (build 180)
News & Improvements
[VAL-2275] - Union screen execution adjustment
[VAL-2294] - Adjust DTS API logic to consider empty separators
[VAL-2312] - Enable multiple line concatenation in advanced report comparison
[VAL-2315] - Buffering of IMGCID + CLUSTER data + HASH with open cursor
[VAL-2322] - Improve message when rule name is invalid
[VAL-2331] - Provide option to use joins and where condition in SM tables
[VAL-2325] - Enabled query value mapping
[VAL-2316] - Count rows over integer maximum now supported
[VAL-2299] - Added option to setup e-mail sender as needed
[VAL-2286] - Issue when creating a filter on table level
[VAL-2287] - Table validation - filter values mismatch
[VAL-2289] - No message when HIE doesn't identify any lines
[VAL-2295] - Filters do not allow lower case lowercase entries
[VAL-2298] - Editor double-click issue
[VAL-2301] - Repaired user context handling
[VAL-2303] - Listcube generation with no chars and units in output is not possible
[VAL-2309] - Query comparison issue
[VAL-2311] - Paging issue in table results
[VAL-2313] - Problem in deletion of variant data from cluster
[VAL-2319] - No TC status available once it's added to the test plan
[VAL-2321] - Improve error propagation in report wrapper
[VAL-2323] - HIE Issue in level identification
[VAL-2327] - Listcube field mapping issue when using more than two fields
[VAL-2329] - Licensing issue issues in several clients
[VAL-2330] - TM refresh is reseting resetting visible nodes