License is not valid. Reason: Licensed value for "Monitored server count" is '3' but required is >= '13'
License is not valid. Reason: Licensed value for "System ID" is 'LRP' but required is = 'LRQ'
Reason and prerequisites
This "System refresh" is a standard behavior during a system copy
Generally, it is not recommended to delete tiers or nodes.
If, however, the nodes have to be deleted, these steps should be done:
1. In tcode process of copying one system to another, typically from production to development. It is often called "system copy".
If you don't follow the steps from documentation (, the monitoring configuration of the source system (including application servers) is applied to the target system, and on top, the application server of the target system are added. It causes exceeding the number of used servers in the license.
1.In case integration is activated:
- Execute /DVD/APPD_CUST and deactivate integration
2.Execute t-code /DVD/MON:
- Stop all collector jobs under ‘Collector Jobs’ tab
- Press Edit ->Select * system -> Delete system definition and confirm all pop-ups
3.Execute t-code /DVD/APPD_STATUS , and stop all HTTP SDK instances and wait for a while2. Open
tcode SE16 for the table 4.Execute t-code /DVD/APPD_NODE, delete all old nodes
3. Open tcode SE16 for the table CUST:
- Edit mode ->Settings->Rebuild Node List - please make sure that all ports in node settings are unique and not in use
5.Execute /DVD/APPD_PROXY, delete all old nodes
4. In tcode CUST activate the integration
6.Execute t-code /DVD/APPD_STATUS , and start all HTTP SDK instances and wait for a while. If the system copy is done again, the same steps should be repeated.
7.Execute transaction /DVD/APPD_DI_CON (system will correctly re register) and start the jobs
The point #2 and 7# will correct the incorrect nodes under the /DVD/MON - System landscape.
The point #4 will correct the incorrect nodes under the /DVD/APPD_CUST under the node list.
You can use the simplified version in case you need to fix only the nodes incorrectly added in /DVD/MON
1. Stop all running collector jobs in /DVD/APPD_DI_CON.
2. In /DVD/MON, select the system PRD in left tree pane "System landscape".
3. Select menu item Edit->Delete system. Deleting may take some time depending on the amount of already collected data.
4. In /DVD/APPD_DI_CON, start one of the collector jobs, it invokes system registration process with correct number of the