Resource /requests serve as the main way to list all available Requests that have been executed. It supports the following input parameters:
Parameter name | Description | Usage | Notes |
from | The lowest value of the START_TIME, represented as a timestamp | Optional | Format -YYYYMMDDHHMMSS |
to | The highest value of the START_TIME, represented as a timestamp | Optional | Format - YYYYMMDDHHMMSS |
requestId | Specific number of the request | Optional |
processId | Filtering based on the Extraction process ID | Optional |
All input parameters are case insensitive.
Example of REST API call:
JSON body:
"processid": "ZTS_SFLIGHT_E",
"requestid": "280606",
"from": "2020021413385",
"to": "20200226133853"
Example of the REST API output:
Functionality is implemented in the SAP class /DVD/GL_EXT2_API_REQUESTS.
"requests": [
"systemId": "NSD",
"requestId": 280606,
"status": "S",
"rowsRead": 117,
"rowsWritten": 117,
"startTime": 20200217143442.7944970,
"endTime": 20200217143510.1670210,
"elapsedTime": 27.3725240,
"fetcherType": "SAP Table Fetcher",
"consumerType": "GLUE Table Consumer"