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Default value

Allowed values


Add file extension to name



<empty> - disabled

X - enabled

Enables adding file extension to name. File extension is recognized from the mime type of the file and is stored in the external ID of the documents. Not all storages support this feature.

Unsupported Storages:

BLOB - BLOB Storage (Primary Database)

Max size of the container (kB)



Minimum 0

Maximum 2147483647

For each Source ID, you can specify a prefix for containers that will be created on specified storage (more details in the section Source to storage mapping). Containers are then created with the following names <container prefix><sequence number>. During the first creation of the file, a container is automatically created with sequence number 0. This parameter is limiting how much data can be stored in one container in kB. When this size threshold is overreached, a container with the next sequence number is created.

Check container size threshold period (secs)



Minimum 0

Maximum 2147483647

Parameter CONT_SIZE_THRESHOLD_KB defines the max size of the container. Due to performance reasons, it's not a good idea to check the size of the container each time when a new file is created. Using this parameter, you can set the period of how often the size of this container should be checked.

Delete empty container




<empty> - disabled

X - enabled

Container for source ID is created during the first attempt of data insertion to it and eventually, it will be deleted by deletion of last of its file. For some storage, there can be the issue to re-create containers with the same name and therefore this option was added. You can switch off the deletion of a container by this setting. The container will not be deleted and if there is another attempt to insert data into the source container doesn’t need to be re-created again because it is already available.

Number of allowed lock attempts



Minimum 1

Maximum 2147483647

When a new file is being created, we need to check to which container it should be written. This information is stored in the table /DVD/CRP_SMC_LUC. To make sure this table will not be updated with another concurrent execution, we need to lock access to this table. This parameter restricts how many times the program can try to get this log.

If several attempts are overreached, an exception is raised with the following error message:

Creation of package is locked for storage ID '<Storage ID>'
