The purpose of this document is to explain to the end-user the process of installing Datavard's OutBoard DataTiering.
This document is aimed for at SAP system administrators and BW consultants who should primary primarily work with OutBoard DataTiering.
- SAP Add-On Installation Tool (transaction SAINT) version 33 or higher
- SAP NetWeaver 7.1 01 with SP 6 or a higher version version
Storage | Type | Min. Version |
DB6 | Blob/Transparent | 10.05.0004 |
Oracle | Blob/Transparent | |
Sybase IQ | Transparent | |
MS SQL 2012 | Transparent | 12.0.5207.0 |
Hadoop and all the distributions which use Hive and HDFS. | Blob/Transparent | Hive 1.1.0 and higher Impala 2.3.0 and higher Oozie 4.1.0 and higher Verified vendors
Step-by-step Installation Process
- The OutBoard installation package is an add-on which must be imported using the Add-On Installation Tool (transaction SAINT). Upload and import the first *.pat file with Outboard sp0 (NSQ0020598870_0000093.PAT) and the last *.pat file with actual sp. Install the tool using the wizard (detailed guide can be found under the Saint online documentation).
After a successful OutBoard DataTiering installation the software component DVD 200 will be available in the system. ADSO archiving is supported only for the BW 750 release or a higher version. To enable ADSO archiving import the transport attached to the installation package.
Note This step is only required in case you want to archive an ADSO and your are using a SAP HANA system with the SAP Nearline interface 1.11 (for more information please check the SAP Note 2320378). More information about the support of an ADSO can be found under the OutBoard user documentation.
- Access the OutBoard Cockpit by entering the transaction /n/DVD/OUTBOARD in your BI system.
- Select License in the top menu and click on Install License or press F2.
- Now enter the calendar date until which the license is valid and your License key in the fields below.
- Press F8 to complete the installation.
- To make the system aware that DataTiering is available you should complete a registration. This is performed with the transaction RSDANLCON.
- To register DataTiering fill in ‘OUTBOARD’ in Near-Line Conn. and fill in ‘/DVD/NLS_CONNECTION’ in Name of Class.
- Now it is possible to archive into the Default cluster storage or you can set up your own Storage management profile. For more information, see the instructions under Storage Management Setup.