- You have obtained the OutBoard Housekeeping transport
- You have obtained a valid license from your DataVard Datavard consultant
- System has Add-Ons:
- SAP_BASIS700 or higher *
- SAP_BW 700 or higher *
Required transports must be copied into the Transport Directory of a target SAP system.
2. Access Transport Management System by the entering the transaction STMS.
7. Go to the title bar, click on DataVard Datavard button, and in the popup menu select OutBoard Housekeeping – License.
8. Check "Number of licensed systems" and fix it, if it differs from the ordered one. Number The number of used systems cannot exceed the number of licensed systems.
9. Click the button "Copy to clipboard" to obtain the data required for license generation and send them to DataVard Datavard consultant by mail (or you can do this directly by clicking the button "Ask for a license").
10. Insert the valid license key and "Valid to" date to the screen from the previous point.
11. Access Role Maintenance by entering the transaction PFCG. Import required roles (see section "(OH-2008) Authorizations") and assess them to the users. With 2.64 release, new roles /DVD/ERNA_ADMIN and /DVD/ERNA_USER are present. They include all needed authorizations and can be added to the roles of OutBoard Housekeeping users.
12. Create a systems landscape (see section "Landscape Editor").