- Selecting Table Variants
- Generation of before image tasks
- Creation of before images
- Performing specific tasks in system outside KATE outside Datavard Validate (like conversion, migration, etc.)
- Generation of after image tasks
- Creation of after images
- Generation of comparison tasks
- Execution of comparison tasks
- Display of results
By double clicking on this step, you first define number of background jobs to be used to create the before image for each of the specified Table variants. The Image creation of some Table variants can fail due to too many rows read. This is safety limit can be adjusted by changing the setting 'Max. Table image row size'. See Settings section for more details on how to change this setting.
KATE is Datavard Validate is capable of handling numeric aggregation overflows. Automatic overflow handling is executed when 'Table own aggregation' setting is set to 'X' and aggregation of results fails because of numeric overflow. In cases of a problematic overflowing the key figure is set to 0 for all returned rows. And in cases of multiple overflowing key figures these will be set to 0. Overflow handling is always logged. This feature enables you to create images for Tables that normally would not be possible because of an overflow error on DB level. DB aggregation is always preferred for performance reasons and own aggregation should be used for handling special situations.
By double clicking on this step, you first define number of background jobs to be used to create the before image for each of the specified Table variants. The Image creation of some Table variants can fail due to too many rows being read. A limit can be set/ adjusted by changing the setting 'Max. Table image row size'. See Settings section for more details on how to change this setting.
KATE is Datavard Validate is capable of handling numeric aggregation overflows. Automatic overflow handling is executed when 'Table own aggregation' setting is set to 'X' and aggregation of results fails because of numeric overflow. In cases of a problematic overflowing the key figure is set to 0 for all returned rows. In cases of multiple overflowing key figures these will be set to 0. Overflow handling is always logged. This feature enables you to create images for Tables that normally would not be possible because of an overflow error on DB level. DB aggregation is always preferred for performance reasons and own aggregation should be used for handling special situations.