Datavard Outboard DataTiering ERP is a content repository solution which runs on SAP system and is accessed via SAP HTTP service. HTTP Service of Outboard DataTiering ERP is built on SAP Internet Communication Framework [ICF]. Implementation of Outboard DataTiering with Storage Management interface fulfills BC AL 7.40 communication protocol. All implementation related to our Outboard DataTiering ERP is SAP ABAP based.
- SAP release: NetWeaver 7.01 SP-level 018
- HTTP enabled
Landscape Integration
Datavard Outboard DataTiering ERP supports two scenarios of integration in customer landscape.
The decentralized deployment is recommended option based on our best practices from implementation projects.
Content Management
Main responsibility of content management is to manage SAP data and unstructured documents. Content management stores information about source client and target storage for each stored data and document.
- register source client with storage assignment
- create read, update, delete document components (units)
- manage document information and metadata
- manage component information and metadata
- The content management uses binary storage of storage management solution for storing document components (units) and is responsible for creating and assigning of stored packages
Storage Management
The Datavard Storage Management works as a middleware between the Outboard DataTiering and an external storage using set of connectors for supported storage types.